Sunday, January 6, 2013


"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

 ~ Jeremiah 29:11~

Leaving JFK on South African Airways

Papi Tan Maravilloso,

It's been a week since I've arrived in Blantyre, Malawi and the anticipation/expectation is monumental! Besides trying to physically adjust from the obvious jet lag, I spent this past week orienting myself with my future colleagues at Blantyre Adventist Hospital (BAH); soaking in the monsoon of information regarding BAH's history, issues, and needs; trying to get settled into my flat/home; welcoming in the new year; and maneuvering around the city; and swallowing in the fact that I'm officially a medical mission nurse!!!

Blantyre (Mandala), itself, is the second largest city in Malawi.  It's also the center of finance and commerce. Keeping this in mind, the majority of the clientele for BAH come from this bracket; meaning that BAH (a private hospital) services the upper middle class and wealthy (there is a HUGE gap between the poor and rich, as with all developing countries).  This small, 82 bed hospital also provides services to a smorgasbord ethnicity's and religions (with that said, there's a very large Muslim population).  It's equip with functioning adult ICU, cardiology department, OB/Gyn department, theater (operating room), out patient department, ED & ambulance, oncology department, lab, radiology department, etc. 

With all that BAH offers (it's one of the best hospitals in the nation), it's easy to think, "... what EXACTLY am I needed for again???"  However, there are plenty of opportunities for growth, improvement, and learning, on both parts.  I am certain that You have brought me to Malawi/BAH for a divine purpose.  My only prayer is that I do not disappoint You.

Tu hijita,


The tarmac at Chileka International Airport in Blantyre
I prohibited from taking pictures of the actual airport...

Malawian countryside 
The city of Blantyre

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