Friday, December 21, 2012


"And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in do time we shall reap if we do not grow weary." 
~Galatians 6:9~

Papi Tan Maravilloso,

According to the Mayan calendar, the world should have ended today :-) (regardless, we [I] should always be ready, for you are coming soon!).  However, Your mercy/Word/grace allowed an additional day to get our act together :-)

Exactly one week from yesterday, I'll be finally on a plane to Blantyre, Malawi!!! I can't say that I've always been patient or trusting, nor can I say the road easy, but I can say that You're faithful; You've been leading me all the way.

This week, especially, has been full of uncertainty.  Being that it was the last week before the school closed for the Christmas & New Year holiday, I was unsure if I would be able to get everything I needed to get done before the deadline or have to wait until after January 2! I needed to be financially cleared, get my BS diploma and transcript, ticket, TEP, and health insurance card all before the week ended!

To make a long story short, stuff happens when you show up in person (of course Your Holy Spirit being the main entity)!  When, it looked bleak with all the running around and discouraging small talk, You worked a miracle and parted the Red Sea!

So what happens now? In less than a weeks time, I'll be on a plane heading to someone's hospital; caring for patients.  It's easy to become nervous and scream, "WHAT DID I GET MYSELF INTO?!?!?", or, to think, "Am I really cut out for the job?... I hope I don't harm/kill any of my patients!"  (Though I've excelled academically,  I'm a brand-new nurse!) But, again, like my devotion on Prophet Elijah, You're not the kind of person who leave's His children hanging, especially when You've called them to a specific work.  You've made it more than clear that Malawi's exactly where I need to be. I am called. I pinch myself thinking that about to embark to fulfill one of my life-long goals in becoming a medical missionary!

I don't know what the future holds.  I can only see what's in front of me.  I am Jewel.  I am soon to be a volunteer mission nurse at Blantyre Adventist Hospital.  I am 20-something *clear throat*, single, no children, with desires to someday own my own rural clinic, have a non-profit, and travel the globe. I am very much interested in international/global health issues... so, when it comes to getting my maters, I don't know... something that encompasses women, infant's, and children, with a special emphasis on HIV/AIDS education/prevention....

There's a lot! As they say, "The world is my oyster!" Until next time!

Tu hijita,


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