The blogger

Compassion: "We must learn to regard people less in the light of what they do or omit to do, and more in the light of what they suffer."     ~Dietrich Bonhoeffer~

Inde is a Chichewa (national language spoken in Malawi) word for, "yes".  There's a passage of scripture, in which there's a discussion between Trinity and the angels in Heaven in regards to a special message God wants to give to His chosen people.  Prophet Isaiah, witnessing the celestial conversation,  hears God ask, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" Isaiah's responds with, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8)

I am no prophet, by any means.  Yet, I do believe God has given each of us a special and unique calling; a message of love that He bids us share with the world to hasten His return.  God has called me to serve as a registered nurse in Blantyre, Malawi for one to three years.  
Being that this my first long-term mission trip (I've blessed to serve in several short-term mission trips in 8 different countries, excluding Malawi), I've chosen to share my experiences with you in this blog.  My initial assignment was to work in the pediatric intensive care unit at Blantyre Adventist Hospital, however, as most missionary positions, you learn to be flexible and go where you're most needed. 

I've come to realize that one doesn't have to move halfway across the globe to make a difference in the lives of others. However, it is my hope, that through this small window into my life as a missionary nurse, you too will be inspired to be like Prophet Isaiah and say, "Inde (yes), Lord, send me!" to wherever God sends you.

Loma Linda University School of Nursing: Global Service link:

*Contact Info:
Blantyre Adventist Hospital
P.O. Box 51
Blantyre, Malawi 

*Many people have asked how they can send care packages/letters.  Please note that the delivery time for international mail can be anywhere from 3 to 6 weeks.  Also, to avoid sticky fingers from our lovely international mail carriers, it's best to send food items (not money, electronics, or other expensive/valuable items.  Another missionary suggested labeling the box with: "Old/Used books"; or "Used/Old clothes" ).  

If you want to be certain your gift is delivered, it's best just to wire money through my Paypal account to be safe (the link is on the blog).  

Let me know what you think! I'd love to hear from you!

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