Saturday, November 17, 2012


"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.  For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!"

~Ecclesiastes 4:9 & 10~

My best friend Shannin & I

Papi Tan Maravilloso,

I feel very blessed to have such wonderful friends.  I had my "Good-bye" celebration in light of my upcoming mission to Malawi and a good number of people attended (my NAPS/YOD 2.5 family, nursing buddies, Bible study crews, and Del Rosa church family). The food was amazing and venue fabulous, thanks to Dr. Hunt & Dr. Holness.  Considering that I will be away from many of the international cuisine I'm used to in America (Thai, Caribbean, Italian, etc.), the them was "International potluck".  Thank to the cooks, we had an assortment of dishes like enchiladas, rice and peas, chana masala, delicious pasta with tomato sauce from scratch (and yes, a man threw down ;) , and much more!  And who can forget dessert (and that's why I keep my freshman 15!).   I just wish I had bigger stomach with the cheese cake, chocolate cake, pumpkin and apple pie ;-)

Sadly, I was surprised at the turn out, though not in a negative way.  I can be very hard on myself and "I" focused that I forget about the awesome team you surrounded me with; my friends.  They have encouraged me, prayed for me, and even sacrificed their own means to support me over the years.  Some I've know for over 10 years and some for just 6 months, yet it's hard to say good-bye to people who mean so much. I can't imagine going on this journey without them.  They are human reminders Your grace and extensions of Your love.

Thank you.

Tu hijita,


My Bible study group & roommate/good friend, Taoshin (far rt.)

My other Bible study group & nursing friends

Andrew & Jennifer my Botswana pharm buddies

Amen & I:  good times :)

Morgan & Vanessa: YOD 5 family
Shannin & Minty... Watch out!!! :)

Elizabeth Coleman, my study-buddy & friend who helped me  pass nursing school.  Eternally grateful :)

From the beginning, Liz & I in our 2nd quarter of nursing school

What Liz, Johnny & I love to do most!!! :-P

Love these girls!

My sweet Dipti :)
Rhonda, Dipti, & I in Botswana :)
Del Rosa lady volunteers: Jasmine, Michelle, Chigo, Morgan,  Kendra & I... potlucks are ALWAYS fun/lively ;)

Vanessa, Clint, Cisco, Minty & I: YOD 2 & 5 (2.5) :)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Still Waiting

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." ~Psalm 27:14~

Papi Tan Maravilloso,
Waiting seems like it's always the hard part, especially when you just want closure.  You just want answers so you can just move on. Wait, you say. Wait.  Wait, to get that dream car.  Wait, to return to school. Wait, to get that dream job  and start that dream career. Wait, to move into your dream house. Wait, to marry and start a family. Wait, wait, wait!

I am waiting; waiting to begin this journey You've led me to in Malawi.  I am trying to be patient, but a small part of me can't help but feel anxious.  Feeling as though all the knowledge I've gained in nursing school has been lost.  I look at my fellow classmates, who have been working since July! And me... I'm waiting. I waited for mid September.  Then I waited for late October and early November. Now I wait for December 1...

But, Papi, You point out all those blessings I would have missed out on if I didn't wait.  Through waiting, I've seen my the faith of my family grow.  I traveled to several different countries and innumerable cities throughout the US spreading messages of hope and helping those in need. I've created friendships all over the world.  I was blessed with a brand new car. I discovered my calling and passion.  Good things DO come to those who wait!

So, I wait and put my hope and trust in You.
Tu hijita,