Saturday, September 8, 2012

He's Faithful

"Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures."
~Psalm 119:90~


Papi Tan Maravilloso,

I have no income.  The last time I checked, I had $155 in my bank account to pay my bills, eat, buy gas, etc.  This is to last me until I either find a short-term job or leave for Malawi (but, when I think about it... who's going to hire me with a "I'm not sure how long I can stay..." status?).  I remember being mesmerized by this verse, telling Sis. Phyllis my dilemma (about future housing, money, being unable to leave to see family when I expected to...), but proclaiming Your Name.

Today, at church, I put my one mite into the offering plate.  I remember thinking about all the things I wanted to do for my teens, but lacking the funds to do so.  I even thought of alternative ways in which we could still do the things we planned.  Then, as I was heading out the church after service, Sis. Alfreda Spraggins pulled me aside and said that she wanted to give me something for my trip to Malawi.  She blessed me with a check for $100! You are faithful! You see and hear Your children.  You spoke to me, through this random act of kindness, letting me know that, "... my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches is Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:19). 

Papi, You are ALWAYS taking care of me :-)

Tu hijita,
