"The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the works of your hands...." ~Deut. 28: 12 &13~
Papi Tan Maravilloso,
It is clearer than ever that you desire that I go to Africa! You've more than provided the way! You've blessed me with not only having my ticket paid for, I also have a monthly stipend, housing, and health insurance!!! Initially, I was going with the understanding that only my loans would be taken care of. I would have to figure out the rest (that is what the contract under the mission scholarship stated). With prompting from the Holy Spirit by Dr. Preister and the board of Adventist Health International, my case was presented and request granted! The only thing left to do is pass boards, the first time!
I was also able to meet with Mike and Christi, who are coordinating my trip, to get the necessary documentation for my work visa and have additional questions answered (thank God I don't have to wear white!!! I can purchase fun peds scrubs!!!). The paper work will take months to process! However, that would give me time to visit family.
You've worked this miracle out for me, I am now thanking you in advance for taking care of the other expenses. I still own LLU $8,000 for the summer school session, rent's due tomorrow, and my bank account empty. God, throughout all this, You've been faithful... even when I haven't. Your timing is perfect. Necesito un bendecido hoy... por favor.
Tu hijita,