Thursday, May 24, 2012

You Say, "Go!"

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.  Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy." ~Prov. 31:8 & 9

Papi Tan Maravilloso,

I cannot pretend to say that I fully understand Your ways.  I only know, from experience, that Your ways are best.  I officially received my welcome and acceptance into the Blantyre Adventist Hospital team/staff, where I will be working as an RN in Malawi for at least 1 year (I have up to 3)!  I am both excited and thoughtful, as this will bring with it both new experiences and responsibilities. 
There are times when I feel inadequate. I am barely graduating nursing school! Will I be able to recall everything I've learned these past 2 years? What of the new culture and the different standards of care (i.e. different equipment, protocol, etc.)? How will I get along/mesh with the experienced Malawian nurses, physicians, and other medical personnel? What of my family (my younger sister's especially)?  I have yet to tell my dad and sisters of my job opportunity.  How am I to pay the airfare, food, lodging, etc. when I'm already struggling financially???
Lord, it is during times of uncertainty that I turn to You and Your promises in Your Word!  I remember that You say, "Go...” (Matt. 28:19).  You don't say, "Go, when all is well and you are financially stable/comfortable."  I must trust that if You're providing an open door, You’ll provide all that I need and more!
I remember ALL the testimonies while studying here at Loma Linda University School of Nursing; my personal testimony on my journey here… How manna daily came from Heaven (rent, food, books, grades, etc). The double rainbow... You double blessed my way.  You proved Yourself true to everyone... including me.
Plans change. I came to Loma Linda, 2 years ago, with the intentions of becoming a mission nurse… I just never, in my wildest dreams, now!!!  I thought I’d complete the accelerated undergraduate portion, move immediately into graduate studies for the pediatric nurse practitioner program, graduate, marry, practice in the US for a year and then leave for the mission field.  However, Your will is always best.  I am very familiar with Proverbs 3:5 & 6, which admonishes me to “trust in the Lord with all [my] heart and lean not on [my] own understanding”.  When I completely surrender my will, it is then that you are able to may my path straight. 
Papi, thank you for the lesson!  I am excited to see what’s next.  As I mentioned earlier, I’m trusting You and following Your lead. 
Buenas noches,
Tu hijita,